The Artists Challenge: Designing a Side-Scroller Game
This scene from one level of a side scroller game will be put into a program in a later semester. It will be very fun to see this fully implemented. The Game Premise This game is about the challenges of being an artist. After roughing out ideas for three different levels, this is the environment that was further developed for this assignment. It is based around the fear and doubt that an artist has to constantly work through and conquer. The key to conquering those fears is to keep producing art, so that is how the artist overcomes the challenges. She throws paint at blank canvases and creatures. When she paints an inactive canvas, it is activated, and can then be used to overcome obstacles by riding on it as it moves or to duck under or behind it as she encounters obstacles. The villain of the game is an art critic, who throws thick black globs of criticism at the artist. The Obstac...