Samurai Jack Character Design

I have never seen the animated show Samurai Jack before this semester. It was done in a very cubist style with strong shapes. 

We had to develop three characters:

A comedic relief Wannabe who trails Samurai Jack and wants to be his student

I dressed this kid in superman colours and homemade armour that is so large he keeps tripping over it.



A female samurai/potential relationship partner

This character is half nature spirit, which makes her temperament unpredictable. Her father was a samurai. She is primarily an archer and she can enchant her arrows. With them she can create mischief, put someone to sleep, or put a truth spell on them, among other things. The horns on her head are a natural part of her. The entire design for her began with her eyes, the shape of which is repeated in her costume and her horns.


A villain

This guy is enormous when placed next to the main character, shown here as a silhouette. He is a cyborg cyclops.


I had fun with all three.


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